Did You Run This Week?
Me neither!
This may be the first holiday on record where I was comfortable.
Not only did I wear comfortable pants without guilt, I did all the cooking. Which is to say, I wasn’t surrounded by all kinds of incredible homemade dishes or family favorites I only get once or twice per year.
We ordered pizza. It was perfect! We were SO THANKFUL our local go-to was open and delivering, we nailed the holiday spirit!!!
The irony of (American) Thanksgiving is that we are supposed to practice gratitude, then we turn around and feel guilty for having more than we need in a country where so many have less than they need.
As nice as it can be to come together with family, it was really refreshing to throw all the rules out the window this year.
We weren’t cooking, so we had free time to sleep in AND deliver 200 meals to our unhoused neighbors.
We weren’t traveling, so we weren’t stressed about the kids' moods let alone disappointing the older relatives they may not remember (a year is a LONG TIME in the life of a 3-year-old).
We felt no guilt, no shame, just gratitude: for soft pants, warm pizza, and less pressure than any Thanksgiving since we started our family.
This may be the first holiday on record where I didn’t have to remind myself to think of things to be thankful for. I already knew.
….and I didn’t run this week. Didn’t even think about it. My mind and body needed the rest, and I’ve been enjoying Coach Nikkia and Coach Kris’ yoga sessions (just kidding - I watched and enjoyed every minute! Grateful for the option though!)
From the bottom of our hearts, we are grateful for your support of Fitness Protection. We'd like to spend some time with you during a special training session - A Return to Hope: First Look at 2021.
It's happening Thursday, Dec 3rd at 11am MST.
Mark it in your calendar and stay tuned for details!
Coach MK