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BER-lin Marathon Results!!!

Writer: Mary-Katherine FlemingMary-Katherine Fleming

TIME FOR THE BIG REVEAL!!!!! Did we make it to BER-lin? WATCH AND FIND OUT!!!!

Also, notes on

1. an official translation of "normal" 2. PSA on Marathon Registrations 3. podcast update! 4. My New Toy (before I break it!)

Last note: check this spreadsheet and see if your time is listed! Participants will receive a discount code as soon as the new items are ready for the store!

In the video, I'm reading from Charlie Warzel's Substack newsletter, which you should definitely check out. This article is the one that hooked us into subscribing: "Never Going Back Again". I've pasted the excerpt below, in hopes that those of you with audio processing issues (Thank you for being here!) can enjoy the same validation Mr. MK and I enjoyed.

"Personally, I’ve come to accept that normal is a nonsense word that is mostly a stand-in for feeling comfortable and certain.

In my own life, I’ve come to understand that much of the comfort and certainty I felt was also a lie. It was a trick I played on myself in order to feel important or in control. Normal often meant ignoring how I actually felt.

Like everyone else, I’m staring down a calendar packed with uncertainty and unease. I’m anxious about the future, grateful for the gifts of the present (vaccines, in-person time with friends and loved ones), and trying to remain cautiously optimistic. I’m overwhelmed but I do feel more prepared for the days ahead, in part because I know that I’m not going back to the way I was before. There’s more of me now than there was before. My task is figuring out what to do with it all."

We felt every word of this deeply. As pedigreed overachievers, we wonder if Atlas Shrugged or if we lost our 'edge'. We weren't sure how to discuss this with our friends and classmates. Our career goals have changed in ways we never foresaw. Our household has, too. Don't get us started on our closets (BYE HARD PANTS!)

For so long, our goals were the things that defined us, reaching those goals is what set us apart. Now, we're looking at our long-term goals and find we aren't motivated to reach them anymore AND realizing this doesn't say anything negative about us. I will always be a runner, even if I never again train for a marathon. I will always be an entrepreneur, even if I never put on a suit and make another pivot table. As we take stock of our lives and realize we can just DO things without looking ahead or making plans that will inevitably be thwarted by forces beyond our control, we are doing that crazy thing we never once considered doing.

We are enjoying ourselves.

I sincerely hope you can say the same.

Coach MK Fleming is the founder of Fitness Protection, LLC. Click HERE to download her most popular training plan, Tenacious AF, free!


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