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Racing to Berlin! (NH!)

Writer: Mary-Katherine FlemingMary-Katherine Fleming

Updated: Aug 23, 2021

Mark your calendars! On October 2 we are running to Berlin!

(Not Ber-LIN, Germany! BER-lin, New Hampshire!)

This ain't your mama's marathon! This is an official FPP virtual group road trip covering the distance from Pasadena, CA to Berlin, NH...without getting in the car! YAY NO POTTY BREAKS!

It would take 44 hours to make that drive, can we all pitch in and get 44 hours of workouts done on October 2?? EVERYTHING COUNTS! Just be sure you join the event on Strava or share your Garmin activity with me (connect with me here, or make your activity public and email link to

Are we there yet????


More details (and GEAR!) to come!

Coach MK Fleming is the founder of Fitness Protection, LLC. Click HERE to download her most popular training plan, Tenacious AF, free!

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If you jump too early or too late, it can change the height of your tricks, your routines, or your ability to fall properly.

For perfect landings, try to land as easily as possible after doing Snow Rider 3D tricks. If you fall hard, your skater might slow down a lot, which would hurt your speed and score potential.

Maximizing Your Trick Multiplier: Your trick multiplier goes up as you stay in the air and do tricks for longer. But doing too much can make you lose control, so keep a balance.

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